Please click on photos for larger photos and information on models. Newer models listed first.
The Older Works - The Odd Ball Gallery
Most people will think I'm crazy having these horses on my gallery. They are NOT representative of my work now, of course. Most of these were done from 1991-1995 and I was only 10 years old in 1991.
I put these horses up to show that everyone starts somewhere, and I'm proud of them because they mark the progress I've made over the years as a repainter. Some are better than others, I stuck some newer ones on here that have terrible please, have a look around, have a giggle or two, but remember we all start somewhere.
This website was created and is maintained by Samantha Kroese. All photos/information contained on these pages are copyright to Samantha Kroese 2004 unless otherwise noted. All information on this site cannot be used in any manner without explicit permission from copyright holder. Background and buttons were made specifically for VnV Stables in 2004 and cannot be used anywhere else without prior permission from Samantha Kroese. Bar was taken from a free graphics site years ago. .