May 12, 2006

If you've been to this site before, you'll notice I've taken down the pictures. In fact I took down most of the site for now. I plan on redoing it eventually, but I'm having second thoughts.


It DISTURBS me the amount of people I've seen copy my horses from my gallery EXACTLY then turn around and sell them. This is the ultimate rude act, it shows no creativity on YOUR part, it's very disrespectful to me as an artist, AND if your model isn't the same quality as mine and someone mistakes it for mine then it hurts MY business.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, people pay CM Artists to do them models to have an original ONE OF A KIND horse. By copying another artist's horse you make the first one no longer one of a kind and hurt the value/showability of the first.

So, due to the overwhelming amount of people copying my horses exactly (down to the exact patterns, which I made up, even on the same molds, ESPECIALLY my trademark colors) I'm having serious doubts about putting up another gallery.

I've been doing repainting for 15+ years. I paint by hand with great care to create original pieces that stand out. To have someone come along and copy it infuriates me. I have TURNED PEOPLE DOWN, lost money because people have asked me to copy another artist's work and I refused to do so as I thought it was disrespectful and dishonest. I guess I might have been a sucker if this is now the accepted practice in the hobby.

So, those of you curious as to what my work looks like will have to wait until I decide if it's worth it to me to lose money by having people sell copies of my work just to show people what I can do.

Disclaimer: By copying any model done by me (original patterns such as pintos, appaloosas, and my unique look to bloody shoulders or silver horses, or even certain ways I do grey horses that are difficult to duplicate unless you are TRYING to) you are granting me permission to put your name and your photos of that model up on my website as a copy to warn people that particular horse is NOT one of mine. Obviously if you have no problem stealing the ideas/work of others you'll have no problem with me posting you as an artist that should be known for copying instead of original works. If that sounds rude to you then maybe you should think about what you're doing before you copy a one of a kind model. If you think it's flattering to an artist to have someone copy their work, then you should also think it's flattering to you for that said artist to feature YOUR artwork on their site, after all it IS free advertising.


This website was created and is maintained by Samantha Kroese. All photos/information contained on these pages are copyright to Samantha Kroese 2004, and cannot be used in any manner without explicit permission from copyright holder. Background and buttons were made specifically for VnV Stables in 2004 and cannot be used anywhere else without prior permission from Samantha Kroese. Bar was taken from a free graphics site years ago. .